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Throughout the PhD track, meetings are scheduled at regular intervals to discuss the candidate's progress. Meetings consist of three types: an intake meeting, a pilot meeting, and annual progress meetings.
  • Intake meeting

    Within the first weeks of the appointment of a PhD candidate, an intake meeting takes place with the PhD candidate, the ACLC moderator, the supervisor(s), and the ACLC coordinator. The ACLC office makes the appointment for the intake meeting.

    One week before the intake meeting takes place, the PhD candidate should submit a draft of the Training and Supervision Plan (see template below) to (1) the ACLC moderator, (2) the supervisor(s), and (3) the ACLC office. 

    The first draft of the Training and Supervision Plan is discussed during the meeting. After the intake meeting, the PhD candidate completes the Training and Supervision Plan, collects the required signatures*, and sends it to (please cc

    *The Graduate Office gets the signature of the Director of the Graduate School, and returns the completed final version to the PhD candidate.

  • Pilot meeting

    After the first nine months, a pilot meeting takes place with the PhD candidate, the ACLC director, the ACLC moderator, the supervisor(s), the external reader and the ACLC coordinator. The ACLC office makes the appointment for the pilot meeting about two months in advance.

    Three weeks before the pilot meeting takes place, the PhD candidate should submit the pilot study to (1) the supervisors, (2) the ACLC moderator, (3) the ACLC director, and (4) the ACLC office. The ACLC office will send the pilot study to the external reader. In addition, one week before the pilot meeting, please send a table of contents for the dissertation and the progress report to (1) the supervisors, (2) the ACLC moderator, (3) the ACLC director, and (4) the ACLC office ( 

    The total duration of the pilot meeting is roughtly 1,5 hours. The main aim of the meeting is to discuss the pilot study. The pilot study is evaluated by the supervisors, an external reader and the Director of the ACLC. On the basis of the evaluations, the Director decides whether or not the pilot study is of the required quality. The PhD candidate will be informed of whether or not the pilot is considered of satisfactory quality during the pilot meeting.

    The set-up of the meeting is roughly as follows:

    • ±5 mins: introduction by the ACLC moderator, who chairs the meeting
    • ±5 mins: summary by the PhD about the pilot study
    • ±20 mins: conversation between the external reader and the PhD candidate about the external reader's feedback
    • External reader leaves the meeting after approx. 30 mins
    • ±20 mins: reflection on feedback given by the external reader; feedback and discussion with the ACLC director and the supervisors; after this discussion, the PhD candidate is told by the ACLC director whether or not the pilot is considered of satisfactory quality.
    • ACLC director leaves the meeting after the decision
    • ±10 mins: review of table of contents and progress report.
    • At the end of the pilot meeting, the PhD candidate and ACLC moderator speak in private about the PhD candidate's overall progress.

    After the pilot meeting, the supervisor fills in his or her part of the progress report and sends it to (1) all parties that were present at the meeting (apart from the external reader) and (2) the ACLC office (

  • Progress meetings

    After the intake and pilot meeting, annual progress meetings take place with the ACLC moderator  and the supervisor(s) until the PhD dissertation has been completed. The PhD candidates schedule these appointments themselves, but are reminded to do so by the ACLC office. 

    One week before the progress meeting takes place, the PhD candidate should submit the progress report (see template below) to (1) the ACLC moderator, (2) the supervisor(s), and (3) the ACLC office ( 

    The total duration of the progress meeting is roughtly one hour. The progress report is discussed and one of the supervisors takes notes of any agreements. After the progress meeting, the supervisor fills in his or her part of the progress report and sends it to (1) all parties that were present at the meeting and (2) the ACLC office (

    At the end of the progress meeting, the PhD candidate and ACLC moderator speak in private about the PhD candidate's overall progress and well-being.

  • ACLC moderator

    At the ACLC, each PhD candidate is assigned a moderator. This moderator is a senior member of the ACLC who is not directly involved in the project, but serves as the first point of contact for any issues relating to the progress of the PhD that cannot be resolved with the supervisors. In addition, the moderator chairs the intake, pilot, and progress meetings.

    The moderator guides and facilitates the PhD candidate’s progress and functions as a mentor to the PhD candidate throughout their PhD trajectory. Their role is to listen to the PhD candidate, to provide an outsider perspective or external pair of eyes, and, if needed, they can help facilitate the communication between the PhD candidate and their supervisors. In case an issue arises, the moderator, in consultation with the ACLC director and/or coordinator, can provide support and assistance to the PhD candidate in an open, neutral, and easily accessible way and guide the PhD to the right people and/or resources (within the UvA Faculty of Humanities) who are experts in resolving such problems, such as the Arbodienst, labour union, student psychologists, and the confidential advisors.